
Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire continues to support DMWS

Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire, Nigel Atkinson and his wife Christine Atkinson visit DMWS and continue to show a real interest in our charitable work of supporting those who serve when they suffer from ill health. Read more

A successful anniversary for the Unforgotten Forces project

The Unforgotten Forces project has benefited over 2,000 older veterans, their family members and carers in Scotland since its launch a year ago. DMWS is very proud to be part of this fantastic project Read more

Hot off the press: DMWS 2017/2018 Impact Report

The latest Defence Medical Welfare Service Impact Report has arrived. In it you will find the latest facts & figures, service overview, insights and case studies. Read more

Arctic Convoy veterans pay tribute to fallen comrades

A trio in their ninties attended a special annual ceremony to commemorate the Russian Arctic Convoys of the Second World War. DMWS Welfare Officer Andy was proud to accompanied the veterans on this special occasion made possible by the Unforgotten Forces Project. Read more

Team DMWS did it the Great Glen Way

A DMWS Welfare Officer, Emma Gration put her best paddle forward to take in some of Scotland’s most stunning scenery to complete the Great Glen Canoe Trail, raising funds for charity. Read more

Former Lieutenant Commander speaks about DMWS support

Matt Kiernan speaks about his experience of working with DMWS in his role as the Senior Nursing Officer for Mental Health in the Royal Navy as well as receiving support when he was critically ill. Read more

DMWS proud winner of the Soldiering On Award 2018

DMWS has been awarded this year’s Soldiering on Award in the International Award category recognising the Charity's support to the Armed Forces community in the UK and abroad. Read more

DMWS meet MPs at Westminster

DMWS meets MPs, Councillors and representatives from charitable organisations at Portcullis House to highlight the current work and vision for the future. Read more

TV team transform war hero’s garden

Welfare Officer Nathan receives an unexpected surprise by Alan Titchmarsh and his ITV 'Love your Garden' team. His garden makeover will be revealed in July 2018. Read more

High Sheriff’s award for Police Medical Welfare Service

We are delighted to receive the High Sheriff of Hampshire Award for the professional welfare support we have provided to Hampshire Constabulary. Read more

Unforgotten Forces working together successfully to support veterans

A Scottish couple who received support from the Unforgotten Forces Project shows the benefit of organisations coming together to deliver a common goal: to support those who serve. Read more

International Woman’s day: Meeting the needs of female soldiers, veterans and spouses

Many of our welfare officers are women who have either served in, or have links with the military. They play a vital role in increasing the wellbeing of the Armed Forces during times of ill health. Read more

Young and old veterans benefit from Healthcare Navigator

The DMWS Healthcare Navigator in Birmingham offers young and old service leavers and their families support with issues affecting their physical or mental wellbeing. Read more

Herefordshire supports ex-Forces community

Our Welfare Officers are embedded within the Wye Vallety Trust and the 2gether NHS Foundation Trust to provide support to the aged veteran community when they need help during times of ill health. Read more

Soldier to veteran – Life after The RLC

Ex WO2 Mark Lucas, Pioneer by trade, left The RLC in August 2017 after a successful 24-year career. He reflects on leaving the Army and transitioning into civilian life working as a Welfare Officer for DMWS. Read more

DMWS shortlisted for two prestigious Awards

DMWS is delighted to announce that the charity has been shortlisted as a finalist for the 2018 Soldiering On Awards in two categories, and The Charity Film Awards. Read more

Soldier Magazine interviews DMWS Welfare Officer

Nathan Cumberland, DMWS Welfare Officer spoke to the editor of Soldier Magazine on his transition from Grenadier Guardsman to civilian life after he was critically injured by an IED in Afghanistan. Read more

Aged Veterans Project is picking up momentum

The Aged Veterans Project in Herefordshire and Nottinghamshire has gained significant traction over the course of the past few months. Recent case studies show the positive impact the project has already made. Read more

Paul Gaffney appointed as DMWS’s new CEO

DMWS has appointed Paul Gaffney as Chief Executive Officer effective from 1 December 2017. He takes over from Nicky Murdoch MBE, who will take on the Charity's new role as Strategic Relations Director, following 6 successful years as Chief Executive. Read more

Memorandum of Understanding to serve military community

DMWS and Veterans First Point signed a Memorandum of Understanding, with the aim to improve collaboration between the two organisations and to better serve the Military community in Scotland. Read more

New Referral Partner for Veterans’ Gateway

DMWS Veterans’ Gateway newest referral partner and to be able to do what we do best; to help those who serve and their family during their most critical time of need. Read more

Autumn Budget sees DMWS expand service to the South

Treasury awarded ABF The Soldiers’ Charity £1.2 million to provide bespoke medical welfare service in partnership with the Defence Medical Welfare Service. Read more

Police Welfare Service Pilot Performance Review 2017

Our recently published Police Welfare Service Pilot Performance Review 2017 has identified a number of benefits for individual police officers and from an organisational perspective. Read more

Our Staff Remembers

Many of our team members have first hand experience in what it means to put themselves in harm's way to protect the nation. Here are their personal thoughts on Armistice Day. Read more

Supporter Stuart Craig completes London Marathon for DMWS

My brother (Russ Craig) had  undergone liver transplant surgery at the Queen Elizabeth hospital In Birmingham. Throughout this difficult time the support of Fisher House and DMWS Welfare Officers has been completely invaluable to me and my family. I wanted to give something back and decided to run... Read more

Scottish Veterans benefit from additional Welfare

DMWS Welfare Officers are embedded within NHS Trusts in Scotland to ensure that older veterans and their families have access to the very best of welfare support when receiving medical care. Read more

Mental Health First Aid is for everyone

On World Mental Health Day we are reminded that 1 in 4 people suffer from mental health problems. At DMWS Training we are passionate about delivering Mental Health First Aid courses to everyone. Read more

Welfare Officers established in two more councils

Our confidential and professional medical welfare service is now in place in Herefordshire and Nottinghamshire and we are looking forward to delivering our service in partnership with the two councils. Read more

New Model of Care for Armed Forces Community launched

Official launch of the Armed Forces Healthcare Navigator Service to support members of the Armed Forces community to access care and support in Birmingham. Read more

New memorial pays tribute to 1940 Blitz victims

In a joint project with EFAN, DMWS organised a new war memorial at Salford Royal to commemorate the night that the hospital suffered fatalities during the Manchester Blitz of Christmas 1940. Read more

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