Veteran Paul’s recovery takes place at home
DMWS puts measures in place allowing veteran Paul's recovery to take place at home where he can be with his much loved dog.

Best Friends
He is so happy he can’t stop smiling. Thank you.
Hospital Chaplain
In early 2020 Paul was admitted to hospital following a break in his arm which was struggling to heal - it quickly became apparent that this would take a toll on his independence and as a result Paul’s mood beginning to decline. Paul was referred to Jan Hodgkinson a DMWS Welfare Support Worker by the hospital chaplain who had learned of Paul's situation. Eager to help Paul regain his independence Jan took time to learn about Paul and his life– it became apparent that in recent years a number of untimely loses within his family had ultimately impacted on his mental health too. Paul initially was resistant to receive any help despite acknowledgment of potential depression on top of his physical restrictions: however Jan believed that should the right support be available there would be positive outcomes for Paul.
Paul finally agreed that when discharged he would accept ‘buddy’ support from Age UK Veterans – during his hospital stay Jan introduced Paul to an Age UK representative who also was himself navy veteran. With a number of shared experiences the pair got on well and Paul’s mood was beginning to improve with notable laugher being heard during their talks.
On the approach of his discharge however Paul began to feel unsettled again and refused to be discharged. Jan went into to see Paul and spoke with him about the situation explaining that although his arm was healing slowly there was no need for him to remain in hospital. Having built a level of trust Paul disclosed to Jan that his hesitation to leave was underpinned by his worries that should his recovery not go well he may have to move to a nursing home for the next 6 months in which his dog wouldn’t be able to be with him – Paul feared that his much loved dog often described as ‘the only thing I have in the world’ would be put down as a result. Jan brought this news to the attention of the discharge team who allowed Jan to put measures in place to allow Pauls recovery to take place at home. It was arranged that a ‘Package of Care’ would be available to Paul to enable to at-home recovery.
Ultimately Paul’s recovery went as planned and Jan often keeps in touch with Paul to this day and notes that he is doing very well and loves to have a chat.
Key Outcomes:
- Improved mental health and wellbeing
- Successful collaboration with Hospital team
- Helped ensure Paul and his beloved dog were reunited
- Ensured home recovery was a viable option for Paul
Best Friends
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