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Members of DMWS attended a packed investiture in the historic Priory Church of St John yesterday, to receive the Sovereign’s Medal from the Prior of the Order of St John, Rodney Green, CBE.

The Order of St John is a British Royal Order of Chivalry and the investiture is an opportunity for The Order to publicly affirm it’s grateful thanks for each individuals’ contribution.

In an official ceremony in front of invited guests, Lt Gen John Stokoe CB CBE, Chairman of DMWS Trustees took his place along side 80 or so other Postulants who were receiving various accolades, to receive the medal – the first ever awarded.

The Soveriegn’s Medal is in fact a Medallion (a Medal not to be worn) is engraved and is accompanied by a Diploma, specially worded to reflect achievement of the recipient.  In DMWS’s case, the citation reads “For its exceptional support to members of HM Forces, their dependents and others engaged by our Armed Forces through the provision of hospital welfare services in operational theatres around the world, in Germany, in Cyprus and in the United Kingdom.”

Her Majesty The Queen, as Sovereign Head of the Order personally approves all the honours which are made in recognition of outstanding achievement, the successful discharge of responsibility or notable and selfless service.  Last year, three members of DMWS staff were awarded for their service by being invested as Members of the Order.  

The Priory Church stands in the site of the original round church built by the Knights of St John and was consecrated 1185. Although only the Crypt of the original church survives today,  the lines of the old round nave can be seen in the pavement outside.

Published: 6th April, 2016